Sunday 27 October 2013


    This year my granmother gave me for my birthday a trip tu Basel, Switzerland, to see my uncle,Carlos, who live there.

     The wendesday 7 of august,after returning from Campillo I took the plane to Zurich, it arrived at night, and from there we took a train to Basel.

     We slept in my uncle's home, it is n the city and that was cool.
The first day Carlos and I went to visit the city , we were in a museum, we saw the river, that crosses the entrie city, the chatedral, a little market, etc.
Basel is very beautiful, it's very clean compared with Valence, although Basel is full of trains and trams, and is pretty easy to get lost.
We went to Allschwil where my mother lived, and where my aunt works like a teaher, in a primary school, so we went to visit her. 

     One day Carlos and I went to the Basel's zoo, it's cool, but we hadn't many time to see the animals.


    Other day my grandmother and I went to the trail, that was next to Carlo's home, I liked it a lot, it was very beautiful, although it was full of people. 

One day in the morning we went by car to Luzern, there were one of the most old bridges of the world.
In Luzern is the Vierwaldstatter lake, that through all the Swiss Alps.
With a ship we arrived to Vitznau, where we ate and Climb a mountain by cable car. It was a little bit cold, but it was very beautiful, it seemed where heidi lived, And we saw a Swiss tradicional celebration, Where two men fight  clutching of pants, and the first who touches the floor with his back losses, it looked to be in other epic, everybody taking soup in bowls, people dressed with traditional clothing and even there were people singing the yodel, and others touching the hymn with "Alpen Horn".

     Other day my uncles and I went by cicle to the river Rhine, where is tipic to put your clothes in a waterproof bag that you will use like float, 'cause you have to throw yourself into the river and let the current take you to where you want, I didn't do it because in that moment didn't want, but now I regret a lot.

       As Basel border France and Germany, one day we went to Colmar by train, before, it was from German, but after some wars it takes part of France, it is very beautiful, and touristic, we pass all day there, and at the evening we came back, and we went also one afternoon to Germany by bus.
     I've done many more things, I loved Switzerland, I was wishing to know the city where my mother lived, and it was so cool to can see my uncle, as he come only three times for year to Spain to visite us.
     I want to came back soon, and I hope then I will have managed to speak German!



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