Tuesday 7 January 2014


Of the happiness for the New Year to the chaos, the shouts, the pushes and the indignation, and it's that about 300 minors of between 14 and 15 years remained on December 31 in the doors of the Alameda Palace although they had an entry validated by the organizers.

The web where they had acquired the ticket was specifying that the access was from 14 years, but when they showed them ID cards the safety members informed them that all under 16 years had prohibited the entry.

As the step that was blocking the pass, the chaos was increasing on the verge of the room. Hundreds of minors started protesting of can't being able to enter to the party, and the confusion grew furthermore when the persons in charge of the organization refused to identify by request of the parents of the affected minors.The State police had to intervene to calm the people, already there were more than one dozen of denunciations of parents of affected children.

According to the Council of Government the place was expiring with the requirements for an extraordinary activity and the minimum of age allowed for this party was 16 years. But this limit wasn't in mind at the moment of promoting the event across Internet.

The version of some Policemen and parents alludes also to a problem of appraisal.The complaints registers were ended, although the insufficiency of these documents did that the police were raising a record.

" We are the owners of the place, but not the organizers of the event. We rent the room to a company of parties that was who organizes it, promotes it and bandages the tickets ". Affirms the owner of the place, Jesús Barrachina.

AVACU (Valencian Association of Consumers and users) will intervene. "They publicized that it was the only party for children in Valencia". The association compiled the denunciations of affected to demand from the organizers the immediate return of the money that the young guys paid. Also they will protest to Government to sanctions the organizers.The president of AVACU has declared that the income were veracious and were checked, for what he thinks that it was a problem of the company for lack of organization, since not to fulfill the requirements for a party for minors.

I've choose this notice because I was there and I couldn't celebrate New Year, although ultimately the night we spend it in another place, I'm really infuriated.I think it has been a defrauds, and I thought that is important to share it.

Thanks to AVACU I already have denounced, and I'm waiting for the return of the money.
I was feeling impotent for the money that I had paid, although I really didn't care of can't enter, but there were a lot of people who even was crying.

At the end my night didn't finish badly, and the money will be returned to us, but I still thinking that they will be able to return us the money, but they will never be able to return to us the night.


PD: HAPPY 2014!