Monday 10 June 2013


This year in 3rdESO we've done an exchange with a french school from Normandy, Lycée Marie Joseph.
They came to Valencia when we were starting "Las Fallas", but I didn't had a correspondent, although it didn't care.
It was a great week, but a little bit tiring becasue we had to do things every day and speak french continually.
A month later we went there. We took a plane in the morning, it lasted just 2'30 hours, but when we arrived in Paris airport, the bus that had to take us to the school was late for 6 hours, because there had been an accident near the airport.
And when we obtain it, we were arriving, the driver get lost.
We arruved at 24h, when we had to arrive at 18h.
Since I didn't had a correspondent in Spain, I was going with a girl I didn't know, Chloé, but she resulted very friendly.
The last day, she and her mother took me to a cheese restaurant, evrithing was of cheese, and the decorationwith things of cows. It was my favourite night!
Since Sylivie, the wother was the english teacher and knew the french teachers, so one day we went with them, the spanish teachers and Adri and Pau to "Mont Saint Michel". It was pretty beautiful, in the neighborhood there is the sea, but when it lowers the tide there is just sand for kilometers.

The dat that we had to come back to Spain, when we were in the bus for go to the airport, the teachers gave us a surprise that we had time to visit the "Tour Eiffel" and a part of Paris.