Monday 25 February 2013


The Friday 8, February, like every year in my school, we celebrate the carnival day, that day, teachers, students, workers... all of us have to come disguised, if not the carnival king throw us flour and doesn't give us candies.
Andrea, Paula, Paloma and I were disguised of Bifrutas, a juice.

We did it by hand.  I did it the night before carnival, because I hadn't finished it, and I didn't sleep a lot :S

There were many types of costumes: people disquised of Grandmoms, of The Lor of the Rings, of Mario Bross, of LMFAO, of car parkers, etc. 

In the morning we presented our costumes, and we did a cometition. My group and I won the award of the most worked!
And, after the awards we took sweets, coke, fanta...
Before lunch we did diferents kind of activitys, in a class they put a film, in an other we were playing Just Dance 3 and Just Dance 4 and an other for play cards and games.

In the lunch we ate hamburger with fried egg and chips, and for the night tea we ate cookies, chips, coke, penauts, olives...

And, afeter we went home, appeared  the carnival king in the foof, and threw us sweets, candies, and gifts...

It was a funny day and chiefly lightweight, because we hadn't to do any lesson, although when I arrived home I was really tired.